Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Qualities I like In a Book

One of the qualities that I look for in a book is if the beginning has a hook that makes me want to find out what will happen to the main character. Another one of the traits that I look for in a book is when it has many surprising and action filled moments that separates it from other books. The last quality I expect is weather or not I can relate personally to at least one of the characters in the book.
The book that I am currently reading is called Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins, currently I have been enjoying reading the book so far because it constantly keeps me hooked. It keeps me hooked because the author creates a suspense that makes you know something that the other characters in the story don't. The author does this by telling the story from first person point of view. One of the other reasons why I enjoy reading this novel is because I can easily relate to the main character's problems that she faces and overcomes. One of the problems she faces is not being able to tell her family about having to convince people of something that is not true. I can relate to this because in everyday life friends come to you with a secret that you can not tell anybody, without breaking that persons trust.


  1. This is a good list of attributes. I had a few questions though following the reading of this: How has Collins kept you 'hooked' in the book? Which problems has Katniss faced that you can specifically relate to?

    Stylistically - check your spelling of whether, italicize book titles.

  2. I like the three reasons that you gave for this book that you are reading. I also liked how you explained each element that you found in your book and explained how they kept you interested in your book. I would have liked this post even more if you had explained why you like each element that you look for in a book
