Thursday 18 April 2013

Poetic Devices Used in The Road by Cormac McCarthy

      The poetic device that I think best fits the title of the book The Road by Cormac McCarthy would be pathos. Pathos is a term that describes how the author creates the emotion of sadness or empathy towards the character, pathos is commonly found in books or movies that are usually themed as drama. The reason why I say that this applies to the novel I am currently reading is because in several sections, the author creates a form of suspense that makes me feel pity for the main character. "He held the boy's hand as they stumbled through the woods." (McCarthy 67). The reason why I feel pity towards the main character when he said this was because it made me think that the main character must be feeling alone and frightened for his son and himself.

Monday 8 April 2013

Significant Elements

The Road- Cormac McCarthy
Significant Elements:
- the main character's son
- the deserted world

The main character's son is an important element to the story because the father of the son, the main character is always speaking about how he must protect his son from the constant dangers he faces in the story.  "He watched the boy sleeping. Can you do it? When the time comes? Can you?" (McCarthy 29). When the main character says this it showed that he would do anything for his son to protect him, and that if anything were to happen to the boy he would be devastated. This made me feel pity for the main character because his son is the one thing he has left to care for in the world, that his son is his one hope to survive.

The deserted world is an important part of the story because it helps set the feeling of loneliness in the story. The main characer of the story is always talking about how it is him and his son against the world. "The boy nodded. He wiped his nose on his sleeve and shouldered up his small pack and the man followed him out through the gray pailings of the tees on the road." (McCarharthy 43). When the author says his it shows me that the two characters may be feeling alone by the way the character describes walking on the deserted road with his son.